Friday, April 4, 2008

Week Twelve Open Topic

For my open topic this week I thought I would share this article I found on CNN talking about the newly created “virtual Vietnam wall.” The site was made public several days ago and it has already been viewed by a lot of Vietnam veterans. To create it, 6000 photographs of the wall were taken and put together, creating one giant image.

In the novel, Sam finds her own name, “Sam A Hughes” and it “feels odd” to touch it (244-245). I looked on the actual wall and there is a Sam Z Hughes but no Sam A. I have to say I was completely taken back by the size of the wall, there seems to be an endless list of names. I found 121 Brian’s and 76 Banks’, which I was shocked by. I’ve only heard of one or two other people with my last name my whole life so it was really strange seeing so many people with it.

I highly recommend everyone checks this out and looks around the site for a few minutes; it’s very impressive how much information they seem to have about each soldier. I’m interested to see if you all find it as remarkable as I do.


A said...

Wow. That's really interesting! I think that's really cool to have. It's important to remember the people who fought for us, and I think they did an excellent job of showing this.

meganeckel said...

This is such a cool post Brian! That was an outrageous munber of names on that wall. It is amazing how things like this can never be known to so many people. I am really glad that you took the time to find this for us.

DrB said...

I agree -- cool post, Brian! The wall is truly stunning, and the virtual wall enables those who haven't yet seen the actual wall to feel the impact of these miles of names...