Thursday, March 6, 2008

Literature of Vietnam is unique. Right after the war for a few years there actually was not literature coming out about refelctions from soldiers or witnesses. This in my eyes is because Vietnam was not favored by America upon the time when soldiers were returning home from South East Asia. Vietnam took a huge emotional toll on a lot of different people, a toll that most of these individual are yet to rid of. This whole war was something that everyone wanted to forget as a whole, and if writing would have come out directly following the soldiers homecoming, it probably would have been rejected for the most part.
Now that we do have these memoirs from different people and different views it is interesting to look at how they write about their own personal experiences. It all comes down to one bottom line, they want to tell the reader, the nation, even the world about what they thought about while they were there, what they felt while serving their country, and what really happened in thier opinion. Different people are more than certianly going to have different views and styles of writiting this information, which makes it all the more unique, but it all comes down to the writers feelings and what message they want to send about the war and how it has affected them or the world they live in.

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