Friday, March 28, 2008

week 10 assigned topic

One thing that has been openly consistent with most of the stories we have read throughout this semester is that during war, people are going to be injured. To soldiers injuries that can often be much more serious than they would like to recognize are something that they like to make light of. This was apparent in A Farewell to Arms when Frederick Henry was caught in an injury during battle. Once examined Frederick was told about to long period of time he was going to have to wait to have his much needed surgery, he simply exclaimed that his injury was not that intense and chose to go with another doctor who could have him back at war in much less time.
Within In Country, the character Emmett is in that same mind set of denial. His niece Sam is convinced that he has been exposed to Agent Orange while in Vietnam. “ ‘ You’ve got Agent Orange. Those pimples are exactly how they described them on the news.’ Agent Orange terrified her. It had been in the news so much lately. ‘I wasn’t exposed to Agent Orange,’ Emmett said” (31). Emmett and Sam have many conversations very similar to this throughout the beginning of the novel, and yet he is determined that there is nothing wrong with him and that he certainly was NOT exposed to Agent Orange.
I had always heard of Agent Orange but I did not know specifically what it was, and after researching it at Cornell University- College of Veterinary Medicine’s website ( I found that it was a chemical sprayed from airplanes used to remove leaves from plants in the Vietnamese jungle, that often had many terrible health issues appear in those who were exposed to it including cancer.


Cory Henderson said...

I think that this is a great point that you bring up about denial. It is apparent that Emmett does not want to believe that he was actually exposed to this chemical. Another explanation to him denying his exposure though, I believe, is so that Sam will not have to worry about him. Throughout the book Emmett is always looking out for Samantha. During the dance Emmett would try and keep Sam away from things that she shouldn't be around, like when Earl was getting hostile towards Jim.

I do believe that Emmett is in denial but I also think that he is trying to protect Sam in a way as well.

Kyle said...

I think Sam is always trying to look out for Emmett not the other way around. Emmett is never the father figure he needs to be and many times would let Sam's boyfriend spend the night. I do think he is in denial of having Agent Orange, but I do not think it is because he is trying to protect Sam.