Saturday, March 8, 2008

Week 8 Open Topic

The movie that we watched in class was really a thought provoking experience. It seems that today society too often grows accustom to seeing people in movies be killed or tortured, and we don’t really stop to think about what it would actually be like to see someone get shot. I know that I am guilty of this, my favorite types of movies are war movies. After watching this movie in class, it really made me stop and think about what it would really be like to be in war.

The most graphic scene in my opinion was the scene in which an American soldier was violently abusing what looked to be a teenage Vietnamese boy. He was constantly kicking him and hitting him with the butt of his rifle. The boy looked scared for his life and seemed as if he didn’t know what to do. It made me mad that someone could take the power that was given to them, trying to keep Vietnam from going communist, and abuse it by hurting an innocent, what looked to be, teenager.

The film helps us understand the book by showing us how the Vietnamese people affected by the war felt about the US involvement in the war. In the book we do not really get an image of how the opposing side felt about the United States’ involvement in Vietnam. This documentary helps us understand the destruction and devastation that took place in Vietnam.

1 comment:

Brian B said...

I think our society as a whole has become way too accustomed to war. I mean, look at the toys we have children playing with; especially young boys. I know a lot of my favorite toys had something to do with the military; there's a huge market for that kind of thing. I know as a kid I'd watch war movies and always think "wow thats awesome" or something along those lines. It's a very disturbing part of our society.