Saturday, March 22, 2008


I noticed that a number of people seemed to have skipped the open topic, and only responded to two people instead of the required 4. So, this led to a number of people being zeroed out for the week, which was weird to me because the work in the assigned topic posts was really good so I was sorry not to be able to give credit.

The rules for the blogs are that you have to post the required number of posts weekly or you get no credit for the week at all. If you posted responses to folks in other blogs, or if there's been some technical issue with the blog that prevented you from meeting the requirements, please let me know. I can't figure out why there were so many missing posts...

Also, can the group leader send an invitation again to Zach Walters? He's been reassigned to this group, as per the email I sent over Spring Break :)

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